As a mom of a "special needs child" there is this process of thinking that everyone does as they enter into CPSE.
You child is labeled as a special needs child to receive services, free therapy in pre school to help them socialize, increase language, speech, ot or pt. I do not mind the label at all, it is free services, who doesnt like free stuff.
Sometimes you even get an actual "diagnosis" from a developmental pediatrician. When we got Dom's diagnoses as Aspergers Syndrome about a year and a half ago, it did hit hard but i think a little part of myself was in denial, thought the doctor was full of it and didnt believe her. When getting services through the county you really dont care of the "diagnosis", as long as they get services, right?
Well this week, during our week off, i saw all the classic Aspergers signs and it really did hit home for the very first time. There was the obsession and stubborness with being all alone and only with me, the refusal to socialize or go outside the house, the terribe tantrums when transitioning to go into the car, etc....
This vacation week actually killed me. It made my anxiety sky rocket, stress overcome everything and make me think way too much. I only pray that when school comes back into session on Tuesday that thinks do get better...
I'm just read this...I'm glad you're writing your thoughts. You are the best mom and friend. When are you coming home for poolside and margaritas girlfriend?!? I miss you!!!