

Monday, June 14, 2010

Trying to be a good mom is a stessful job.....

Let me start by saying that i have made about one million mistakes on this whole stepmom/mom thing.  I am never one to say that i am perfect or a good role model for other moms right there.

It is very frustrating trying to juggle three hats around the parenting job. Mom of an aspergers toddler, mom of a teenager and mom to a son who is days away from being a senior in hig school.

My average day is getting all 3 boys ready for school in the morning with lots of help from dad, going to work, picking up dom at 130, come home to kid 1 and 2 consecutively. It is like 2nd part of my day starts at 2pm. During the afternoons i am either, preparing dinner, dealing with doms latest crisis, referee between the 2 older ones and trying to find my sanity around the house. It is a lot to handle, but who am  to complain. I have a loving family, great friends and a beautiful life.

I am always trying to do things for the boys, but not like anyone notices around here. Being a mom has to be the hardest job in the world and being a step mom is even harder!!

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