Here comes a moms story of frustrations and bs
Dom entered the world of autism aka Aspergers Syndrome back on 2008 when he was just 2 years old. We suffered and started therapies and all the fun that went along with it. We got used to the way life was and just chugged through.
Six years later Julia was born and so was the diagnosis of ADHD for Dom. He went through 4 different ADHD cocktails until we found the right one for us, which we still deal with on a day to day basis. ADHD is a blast btw!
One year after that we realized that Dom wasnt growing and he got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, and now we entered another medication in my poor boys body. They said that he would start growing within 3-6 months and well that never happened either.
Here we are in 2015, almost 2016 and we have a brand new exciting diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency. After several blood tests, a stay at Alb Med and a thrilling MRI which Dom was awake for over an hour we find out that we can fix his height with daily shots until he is 16!
I do realize that there are far worse things in this world than all of these medications, but is it so much to ask for a normal 9 year old's life without the medications, therapies, processing issues, hyperactivity issues and growth issues? Well I guess maybe not. Here's to a new year, a new medication and finding normalhood!!